District of forchheim: while the driver was relieving himself, the car rolled away and crashed into a bus stop

District of forchheim: while the driver was relieving himself, the car rolled away and crashed into a bus stop

"Unfortunate overall circumstances", what the ebermannstadt police department calls an accident near wannbach in the forchheim district on thursday afternoon.

A car driver who, according to the police report, was passing through on his way to wannbach on thursday afternoon. When the 29-year-old driver suddenly felt the need to relieve himself, he stopped at the local bus stop.

When he left his car, the young man forgot in a hurry to secure his vehicle from rolling away. According to the police, he neither applied the handbrake nor put the car in first gear. As a result, the 29-year-old's car became unstable and rolled backwards about 50 meters. The vehicle was stopped because it crashed into a bus shelter.

A municipal worker happened to be on the scene and took care of securing the car. The police estimate the damage at around 5000 euros. Fortunately, no one was injured. Due to the above-mentioned "unfortunate overall circumstances" the police officers left it at a verbal warning for the 29-year-old.

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