The future of the steigerwald

The future of the steigerwald

A "future conference" will be held on 28. September the "local action group sudlicher steigerwald" (LAG). The event will take place from 10 a.M. To probably 4 p.M. At the hotel strohofer in geiselwind. Both members and all interested citizens were invited to attend.

The local action group is a non-profit association of 14 municipalities, regional associations and numerous burghers. The association sees its main task in the sustainable development of the southern steigerwald region. On 28. On september 28, the future of the region, but also of the LAG itself, is to be considered and discussed together.

It is planned that the participants will first be presented with a number of papers. The current situation is highlighted and a short outlook is given. Other topics include healthcare, city-country relations using the example of nurnberg, and local public transport in the region.

Afterwards, the participants could choose between four different working groups, which deepened the presentation topics or dealt with further aspects.

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