New dioxin findings in eggs cause alarm

New dioxin findings in eggs cause alarm

A spokeswoman for the ministry of agriculture said in hanover on friday evening that around 100,000 eggs had come into circulation from an organic farm in the district of aurich before the closure. According to their information, these eggs were delivered to a wholesaler in north rhine-westphalia. The feed in the farms was not contaminated, said the spokeswoman.

The ministry of agriculture had informed NRW that the eggs came from a farm that had attracted attention because of high levels of dioxin-like pcbs (polychlorinated biphenyls). "Further marketing took place in NRW via discounters and food chains," a statement from dusseldorf read.

The eggs are to be harvested between 12. March and 3. April had been delivered. According to information from the ministry in dusseldorf, they bear the stamp number 0-DE-0357661. The NRW ministry of consumer protection had ordered a special operation by the state environmental agency (LANUV). They are trying to determine the distribution channels and any remaining batches – and to control the recall.

In lower saxony, elevated dioxin levels had previously been reported in eggs from two farms in the aurich district of east frisia. The two open-air farms have been closed. There, the authorities wanted to examine the forage and also the soil and water and have a possible contamination tested via the air.

The two conventional large-scale farms had purchased their feed from the same supplier in lower saxony, where feed samples were also to be checked, the spokeswoman for the ministry of agriculture in hanover, natascha manski, had previously said. There is no immediate danger to the health of consumers. "We assume that a rough part of the eggs has already been taken from the sales shelves."

In NRW, dioxin-contaminated eggs were discovered at two small direct marketers in duisburg. In addition, PCB-contaminated eggs turned up on a farm in eastern westphalia. On friday, inspectors there wanted to see documents on the production and distribution channels of the eggs. The public prosecutor's office filed a complaint against an unknown person.

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